Here at NSE Imports, we do not offer medical advice or make claims about how effective a mask is against you catching Coronavirus. We fully endorse the UK governments advice of social distancing and good hygiene practices. However, there are growing arguments that the wearing of masks can help prevent spreading by blocking your exhalations, there is also the idea of 'group protection' based around the idea that with mass mask wearing, each person contributes to preventing the spread, this is similar to most South East Asian countries advice, especially in their densely populated areas. This short video shows the difference wearing a mask can make.
As of the 23rd of April 2020 the UK government is about to issue advice that wearing a scarf or DIY mask or face covering is ample protection, this is similar to the U.S. advice recently issued, while these may offer some protection, a N95 or FFP2 mask will offer both higher protect and be far easier to breath through. Around the beginning of May 2020 the Prime Minister Boris Johnson has stated he feels that masks will play an important part of easing the lockdown measures.
Personally I wear a mask at present when I venture out, even with social distancing it's easy enough in a shop or on public transport to end up a bit to close to another person, have I got it? Have they got it?, Who knows? If we are to survive both personally and economically until a vaccine is found we will need to move about more, however we also need to protect ourselves and those around us to prevent a second wave, looking at the scientific evidence of how far a cough of sneeze will travel, I believe mass mask wearing will help prevent the spread.
There are lots of different ratings for masks, this infographic helps quickly show how KN95 masks are rated against N95 and FFP2.
We have gathered some information from various sources here to help you reach your own conclusions, along with some wearing and handling advice.
Stay safe out there, NSE Imports.